3 Simple Tricks That Will Help You Get Started When You Really Don't Feel Like It.
How To Master the Art of Doing What Needs to Be Done.

Are you avoiding starting a task that you know you should do but just don't feel like doing it?
I get it; I've been there. But here's the hard truth: you're simply not going to achieve your dreams if you don't master the art of doing the things that you know you need to do but don't want to do. To succeed in business and life, you must master the art of just getting started, even when you don't feel like it.
Here are three simple tricks that will trick your brain into just getting started on those things you simply don't want to do:
• Use The 5-Second Rule: When hesitation hits, count backward: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and then launch into action. This method, popularized by Mel Robbins, interrupts overthinking and pushes you into action before your excuses take over. It may sound too simple, but it's incredibly effective
• Commit To Working For Just 2 Minutes: Give yourself permission to work on the task for only two minutes. Often, the hardest part is just getting started, and once you're in motion, you'll find it much easier just to keep going. You'll likely find yourself completing far more than you expected.
• Visualize How Good It Will Feel When You're Done: It feels so much better just to get it done than it does to put it off and worry about it. The feeling of completion beats the anxiety of procrastination every single time.
What's that one task you've been avoiding? Try one of these techniques right now - yes, literally right now - and then come back and let me know which one worked best for you in the comments.