3 Simple Tips That Helped Me Lose 100 Pounds Without Giving Up Pizza or Ice Cream.
Getting Healthy & Losing Weight Does Not Have To Be Hard.

One of my greatest achievements has been losing 100 pounds (45 kg) and getting into the best mental and physical shape of my life. I did so without giving up my favorite foods or making myself miserable by following these three simple tips:
Tip #1: Make Slightly Better Choices Each Time You Eat.
Feel like pizza? Great! Choose a thin crust, or limit yourself to 1-2 slices instead of 3-4. Want ice cream? Find a lower-calorie ice cream treat that you love. I found a 60-calorie ice cream sandwich that makes me just as happy as eating a whole pint.
Tip #2: Find A Way To Move Your Body That You Find Fun.
Hate the gym? Then don't go to the gym. You won't be able to stick to something long-term if you don't enjoy it. Instead, find a way to move your body that you look forward to each day. Once you do, getting exercise will become one of your favorite parts of your daily routine.
Tip #3: Drink More Water.
Sometimes, when you think you are hungry, you're actually just thirsty. Try drinking a large glass of water 20 minutes before eating, and you'll likely end up eating much less. I also start each day with two large glasses of water before I drink my coffee. I want my coffee badly, so getting through that water quickly is easy. I can't believe how much better I feel and how much healthier my skin is now that I am well-hydrated.
Seem simple? That's because it is! Using these three tips, I was able to easily lose one pound each week and stick with it over time. Over the course of 100 weeks, I lost 100 pounds.
I hope these simple tips help you as much as they helped me!
This is very inspiring and wonderful advice!