3 Essential Tips To Consider Before Going All-In On Your Online Business.
How to Build Your Dream Without Gambling Your Future.

Are you ready to dive in headfirst and run your online business full-time? Before you leap, let's make sure your parachute is packed.
A friend of mine recently went all in on their online business without a safety net, and now they're potentially facing homelessness. That's not the kind of risk you want to take. Here's how to build your dream while protecting your future:
1. Know Your Numbers: Minimum Viable Income (MVI): Your MVI is the bare minimum you need to cover your monthly bills and essentials. This isn't your dream salary; it's survival mode. Calculate this number, and don't leave your day job until your business consistently hits it. Better yet, build a nest egg to buy yourself time to grow.
2. Balance Optimism With Reality: Optimism fuels your dreams, but realism keeps you afloat. Pay attention to what's working and what isn't. If your efforts aren't moving the needle, reassess before it's too late. Facing the facts isn't giving up - it's giving yourself a chance to pivot and succeed.
3. Fail Fast and Fail Often: Test each of your ideas on a small scale before doubling down, and be sure to test out new ideas often. If something doesn't work, end it quickly and move on. Don't pour time and money into a sinking ship. Focus your energy on what shows promise and scale it smartly.
Your dream is worth chasing, but it's also worth protecting. Set yourself up for sustainable success, not unnecessary struggle. Have tips or stories of your own? Share them in the comments - your insight might help someone else navigate their journey!