1 Common Characteristic That The Happiest People I Know All Share
What You Choose To Focus On Makes All Of The Difference

Have you ever noticed how some people simply radiate joy no matter what life throws at them? It's not because everything is going perfectly in their world. It's something much simpler and much more powerful.
The happiest people I know all share one common characteristic:
They focus on appreciating all the good things they have in their life rather than on all the things they want but don't yet have.
Happiness is all about choosing where you focus your attention. Of course, this doesn't mean you should ignore life's problems. Your problems, however, should not be your primary focal point.
• Money Doesn't Buy Happiness: Some of the happiest people I know have next to nothing, but they focus on being incredibly grateful for the things they do have. Likewise, I know some incredibly wealthy people who are extremely unhappy because they're obsessed with everything that is still out of reach.
• Perspective Is Everything: Life isn't perfect for anyone, but happy people train themselves to see the silver linings. Did you lose your job? It might be a nudge to find something better. Are you stuck in traffic? More time to enjoy your favorite podcast! Always ask yourself what is good about this situation rather than automatically focusing on what is bad.
• Small Joys Matter: Finding happiness can be as simple as focusing on enjoying a good cup of coffee, spending quality time with your pet, or simply celebrating the tiniest of wins. Happiness doesn't have to be reserved just for life's biggest moments.
What's one good thing in your life that you are grateful for that you can be happy about today? Share some happiness with others in the comments.